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Is your leg pain a warning sign of high cholesterol? Here’s what you should know

Are you constantly having that notorious leg pain and finding it challenging to do your daily activities with ease? Is that leg pain stealing your peace of mind? Beware, that unbearable leg pain can be a sign of high cholesterol.
Yes, that’s right! Read on as we help you to decode the connection between constant leg pain and high cholesterol. However, it will be imperative for you to seek immediate medical attention for improving your well-being as not only high blood sugar levels or high blood pressure but even high cholesterol levels are a matter of concern.
In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Rahul Nikumbhe, General Physician at Apollo Spectra in Mumbai, shared, “High cholesterol is also labeled as a “Silent Killer” known to take a toll on one’s overall well-being. It is a known fact that high cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease. The warning signs of high cholesterol are chest pain, dizziness and slurred speech. Cholesterol is categorise as good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL).”
He revealed, “LDL cholesterol is dangerous for one’s health and causes arterial blockages when elevated, compromising blood flow and increasing the chances of heart-related complications with adverse outcomes. HDL and LDL are influenced by one’s diet. High LDL will mean one needs to be cautious about his health. According to several studies, leg pain is also considered as an indicate of high cholesterol levels.”
Dr Rahul Nikumbhe explained, “Arteries in the legs tend to get clogged with fat because of excess cholesterol, inviting a condition known as Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD). Are you aware? This fatal condition narrows arteries by reducing blood flow to the arms or legs. Moreover, there is enough evidence available to prove that people with high cholesterol have a of developing PAD. Hence, symptoms such as pain in lower back, thighs and calves are commonly seen in such people mainly during exercising or other activities such as climbing or walking for extended periods.”
He elaborated, “Common symptoms of PAD induced owing to high cholesterol are leg pain, swelling, numbness, non-healing wounds, weakness, discolouration in legs. Moreover, one should take a note of any changes in the body and report symptoms to the doctor without any delay to be able to initiate timely treatment and management of the condition. Those people with high cholesterol are recommended to go for regular health check-ups to know the health status. The treatment will be in the form of medication and lifestyle modifications. Take medication prescribed by the doctor without fail, eat a well-balanced diet, exercise under the guidance of an expert, quit smoking and alcohol and maintain an optimum weight. It is essential to stay alert when it comes to your health.”
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor with any questions about a medical condition.
